Trial of three days a week Effective for productivity improvement Issues also Microsoft Japan October 31 19:23

Microsoft Japan has compiled the results of work style reforms such as “3 days a week” this summer. While it was effective in improving productivity, there were also issues in terms of customer service.

As part of the work style reform, Microsoft Japan attempted to make approximately 2300 employees a day off in August and 3 days a week during the month of August.

The results were announced on the 31st, and “labor productivity”, which is the monthly sales divided by the number of employees, improved by 39.9% compared to August last year. In addition, meetings that ended in less than 30 minutes increased by 46%, and power consumption and paper printing decreased.

Furthermore, in the questionnaire, 92.1% of employees answered that they would “evaluate” three days a week, and the opinion that they became aware of work efficiency became more prominent.

On the other hand, there were voices saying that it was difficult to take a rest because the customer was not at rest, and that departments whose grades were determined according to the time they deal with the customer said that their grades would fall, and there were issues such as differences in awareness among departments. .

The company plans to try three days a week next summer, and Microsoft Japan's Managing Director, Teshima said, “While three days a week was a big decision, there was new learning and awareness through the company. I want to make the most of my next move. "