Starting this Friday, part of the new unemployment insurance regulations apply, between hardening and opening new rights.


It is November 1st that applies the new rules of unemployment insurance. Before the second wave of the reform on the method of calculation of the compensations, on April 1, 2020, Europe 1 makes the turn of the changes which apply from this Friday.

"Screw turns"

Firstly, the duration required to be compensated by Pôle Emploi: it will be necessary to have worked 6 months in the 24 months preceding the entry to unemployment, and no longer, as until then, 4 months in the last 28 months . Second round of screw, stricter rules to reload one's rights when one resumes work after the end of his compensation period.

"It will penalize me even more", laments Dominique at the microphone of Europe 1. "Every morning, I go to work looking for a job and it is very difficult. unemployment is a double punishment, since my compensation will be less favorable. "

And then, even if it concerns only salaries above 4,500 euros gross: after six months at full rate, the unemployed will suffer a reduction of 30% with a floor set at 2.261 euros net per month.

>> READ ALSO - Unemployment insurance: even before being presented, the reform annoys bosses and unions

These changes concern employees who lose their job from 1 November. If you have lost your job in the last few days, then you are staying under the old rules.

New rights for the self-employed and the resigning

But these first measures of hardening also come with new rights for some. Thus, from 1 November, employees who have resigned and have at least five years of seniority in their company will be able to benefit from unemployment insurance to carry out a professional project. Another novelty, the self-employed will be able to touch, under certain conditions, a compensation of 800 euros per month during six months.