Twitter posted a net profit of 36.5 million dollars (33 million euros) in the third quarter of 2019, representing a fall of 95.3% compared to the same period last year, when the social network benefited from tax deductions amounting to 683 million dollars (614 million euros), the company said.

The result of Twitter operations between July and September stood at 44.14 million dollars (39 million euros), 51.9% below the figure for the previous year.

Revenue from the social network totaled 823.7 million dollars (740 million euros) in the third quarter, 8.6% more than in the same period of 2018, including 702 million dollars (631 million euros) in advertising revenue, 8% more, while data license revenues increased 12%, to 121 million dollars (109 million euros).

The average number of monetizable active daily users reached 145 million in the third quarter , 17% more than a year earlier, and 4.3% more than in the second quarter of the year.

"Despite its challenges, this quarter validates our investment strategy to boost long-term growth," said Ned Segal, chief financial officer of Twitter.

Between January and September, Twitter made a net profit of 1,346.8 million dollars (1,210 million euros), 41.7% more than a year earlier, while the company's revenues increased 14.9 %, up to 2,452 million dollars (2,203 million euros).

Looking ahead to the last quarter of 2019, Twitter hopes to reach a turnover of between 940 and 1,010 million dollars (845 and 907 million euros), as well as an operating profit of between 130 and 170 million dollars (117 and 153 million euros). euros)

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Twitter

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