Emirates has announced that it will provide UAE nationals with front-line customer service, administrative and logistics functions.

She called on the nationals to apply for these jobs in various fields according to their educational qualifications and professional preferences.

Adel Al Redha, Chief Operating Officer, Emirates Airline, said: “We are always open to our nationals and we have various educational, training and professional programs to qualify them to work in various departments.”

He added: "Our future plans are based on relying on the national staff to meet our requirements of pilots, engineers and technicians graduates of the Emirates Academy of Pilot Training or Engineering Department, where we need more than 500 jobs annually in these areas."

“In addition to administrative and technical functions, we have, for example, more than 22,000 aircrews from over 140 nationalities, and we need 3500-4000 hosts a year,” he said.

Adel Al Redha called on the people of the UAE to take advantage of all the opportunities offered by Emirates, and to enter the field of air hospitality, which allows them to gain comprehensive experiences, and learn about the cultures of the world through their colleagues and travelers on flights and cities they visit on six continents.

Emirates also provides nationals with jobs in Dubai International Airport, where they have the opportunity to identify and supervise various travel procedures and communicate with different nationalities.

Members of the various positions undergo training courses to familiarize them with their tasks and qualify them for work.Training for air hospitality staff includes an eight-week course covering all aspects related to their work, the most important of which are safety and security systems, emergency procedures and first aid, in addition to hospitality. Our customer service representatives also take courses that introduce them to all aspects of travel procedures and systems and qualify them to deal with travelers of different nationalities.

Emirates provides its national employees with high salaries and many other benefits, as well as opening up career advancement. Air Hospitality employees can upgrade to aircraft supervisors and crew officials or trainers at the Emirates Training College.

Citizens wishing to join the Emirates family can visit the UAE Nationals Recruitment Department at the Emirates Group Headquarters to find out about career opportunities or apply online.