Difficult today to recruit when you are a shopkeeper, craftsman or service provider. The Direccte, and its partners in Pays de la Loire for its human resources platform, gives you five good advices that work within very small companies.

Not a hairdresser, plumber, butcher or other trader has not had, in recent times, difficulties to recruit.

Tip 1: Think first about internal promotion

In the Vendée, Laurie Boursereau, head of the HR platform of the MDEDE (1) recalls that in the first place " it is already necessary to look internally if employees can not meet this need with a rise in skills through training. This first solution offers the possibility for employees to evolve in the company and to be loyal . This makes it possible to preserve a know-how, and to recruit a profile on less strict criteria. "

Tip 2: The job offer must be attractive, as the company

Are you drowning in work and are you short of arms or collaborators? All the more reason to take a little time to write a good job description. "Start by asking your own employees why they like to work in your company, advance Fanny Guérin Action HR and TPE in Le Mans, they go

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directly highlight your strengths: work atmosphere, company values ​​and the reality of positions proposed. You will be able to build your employer brand. "This will also go through the history of the company, its anchoring in the territory and its markets and customers ," adds Laurie Boursereau. In front of a very tense recruitment market, favor proposals on permanent contracts. Moreover, very small companies offer positions with often a lot of autonomy and responsibilities, essential aspects for candidates today. "

Tip 3: Choosing the right channel to broadcast your job offer

Given the plethora of possible media to recruit candidates, which is really impactful? First and foremost: think about your company's own website: it can become a real live recruitment platform. "You can also talk in your profession about which online sites work well. In Vendée, word of mouth works well "if you know someone who knows someone", we know that the Good Corner works well for manual trades. The Cvthèque Pôle emploi is the largest and free of charge in France, an essential research tool. The MDEDE disseminates tailored and qualitative offers after the support of the company. For intermediate functions, Indeed is recognized , " says Laurie Boursereau. And Fanny Guérin completes " without forgetting to contact your communities of communes which often have relays on the territory to recruit like the houses of employment or other economic pole.

Tip 4: Conduct a real job interview

You have scheduled appointments with future candidates? It's up to you now . "The job interview is important because you will have to discover the potential of the person. Be curious with a real attentive listening: what missions did the candidate like to do before, how does he behave in a small structure? Fanny Guérin even advocates to move in the company, or even on the future workstation. " You have to feel if the environment is okay. Ditto for the material. We may not know a piece of software, for example, but realize that the company is not so complex and that training will make it accessible. And especially do not stop to expand its prism and recruit atypical profiles, it brings the versatility of skills in VSEs. If the candidate is found from another position in the company, or if new combinations are not possible. Think about the group of employers for part-time needs.

Tip 5: Detect the potential and not just the experience

Given the current shortage of candidates, one must really focus on the potential, almost before the skills. After having indicated it in the "beginner / e accepted" offer, organize yourself to detect the potential. This will be measured by the "know-how" explains Fanny Guérin, "In very small businesses, the mode of operation is based on flexibility and versatility. As much to adapt as to evolve. You really have to be comfortable with that. "

Then to train the new employee "your company will have to adapt an accompaniment mode. Inquire with your OPCA and employment center, training devices for hiring in internal tutoring and / or external training exist. Advises Laurie Boursereau.