“In reality, this is reminiscent of a PR action, rather than a deal, which constitutes a serious threat to Russian supplies. I see this as Poland’s political desire to please the United States with its popular idea of ​​supplying its LNG to the EU and in fact as a way of putting pressure on Gazprom. But how many tales would not be told about the refusal of Russian gas, Poland will not have this refusal in the foreseeable future, if, of course, it does not want to overpay for gas about 50-60%, ”said Simonov.

As the expert added, American gas is much more expensive than Russian pipeline gas.

“The LNG market, which is focused on spot deliveries, is often not able to provide the necessary volumes of gas when it is needed. The most curious thing is that, in fact, when they say that Poland has concluded a contract for the supply of gas from the United States, there is a feeling that the States undertake to deliver gas to Poland. The contract structure is different, the Polish PGNiG itself must buy gas on the Henry Hub, deliver it to the terminal, it will liquefy and give it away. This is a contract for receiving gas at one of the US terminals, which does not even have a license, ”explained Simonov.

The expert noted that most likely the Polish company will not sell gas to Poland, but will carry it to other regions where there is a certain profitability, for example, to Asia, and only a few tankers can reach Poland.

Earlier it became known that Poland has signed a contract for the supply of LNG from the United States for 24 years. It is noted that the total volume of supply will be 29.5 million tons of LNG.