Suspected of tax evasion in Japan, Carlos Ghosn will remain in custody for another 10 days, the Tokyo court ruled.

The custody of Carlos Ghosn is extended by 10 days, was learned Wednesday, November 21 in the morning. It is the court in Tokyo that decided the extension, while the leader of Renault is suspected of tax fraud.

The board of directors of Renault, which had announced Monday that it would meet "as soon as possible" after the arrest of Carlos Ghosn, in Tokyo (Japan), chose Tuesday evening to temporarily entrust the reins of the builder to Thierry Bolloré , so far number 2 of the group.

Renault's board of directors has "provisionally" entrusted the executive management of the group to Thierry Bolloré, who will have "the same powers" as Carlos Ghosn, currently in custody in Japan, the diamond brand said.

On the other hand, Renault's management did not want to officially remove Carlos Ghosn from his duties as CEO under the presumption of innocence.

"Mr. Ghosn, temporarily prevented, remains Chairman and CEO," said in a statement the French car manufacturer