The Steuerzahlerbund criticizes the pension package of the Federal Government. "With the pension measures, taxpayers and contributors will incur additional costs of 50 billion euros by 2025 alone," said Reiner Holznagel, President of the Tax Payers Association, the "Rheinische Post".

Holznagel criticized above all the tax subsidies to the pension fund, which are a major challenge for the federal budget. "It will not make it easier to keep the black zero in the coming years," he said. "I think the pension package is wrong, because it was hastily put out and the taxation of pensions completely hides."

According to the plans of the Federal Government, the pension package, which is to be passed on Thursday in the Bundestag, among other things, the pension level of currently 48.1 percent by 2025 not less than 48 percent. This level expresses the ratio of pensions to wages. In addition, the mother's pension will be extended. Improvements are also planned for the disability pension.

DGB demands long-term protection

The plans do not go far enough for the German Trade Union Confederation. She was glad that the pension level is stabilized with the law and a high-performance pension is ensured, said DGB board member Annelie Buntenbach in Berlin. This could only be a first step.

A longer-term stabilization of the pension level is in the interest of the younger generation, said Buntenbach. "People need a good pension if they need it." For example, for today's 30- to 35-year-olds, the security level of the pension must be kept stable over the longer term.

more on the subject

Pension ReformWhen the Grand Coalition has reached an agreement

On Thursday, the coalition also wants to pass a bill to create a social labor market for the long-term unemployed. The Bundestag also wants to bring billion relief for families on the way. According to the plans of the Federal Government, there will be, among other things, ten euros more child benefit per month starting in mid-2019, with the tax being to increase the basic allowance and the child allowance.