SPIEGEL ONLINE: They demand of entrepreneurs and top managers to stand up against xenophobia and right-wing extremist developments. Why do you go public with it just now?

Christ: I have long missed a clear attitude of the economy against right-wing populism. But what has happened in Chemnitz for two weeks is of a new quality. Nobody can overlook that who bears responsibility.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: What is this new quality?

Christ: The deadly knife attack is a terrible tragedy for the victim and his family. Such acts of violence must be severely persecuted in a state governed by the rule of law - and it will be. The rule of law will consistently judge the alleged perpetrators if their guilt has been proven. This act has been instrumentalized by right-wing extremists to hunt down dissidents, foreigners, refugees, people with a migrant background in a German city. The novelty is that this violence against people who have nothing to do with the act is politically legitimized by a party represented in the Bundestag. AfD co-chair Alexander Gauland has said that it is "normal" and "legitimate" for people to "go crazy". And a Mr. Höcke marches at the head of a far-right mob. Those who did not know it yet, see the face of the AfD in Chemnitz. It is the scowl of legal nationalism.

photo gallery

13 pictures

Chemnitz: Chronology of the riots

SPIEGEL ONLINE: But it was only on Monday evening that 65,000 people in Chemnitz made it clear they were against it.

Christ: That there is a countermovement, in which artists organize concerts and citizens take to the streets and get involved, is very positive. But where is the answer of the business elite? I expect the bosses of the DAX companies as well as the middle class and last but not least of the big, well-known family entrepreneurs to literally show their faces. Now, the courage of those responsible is required to emerge from the anonymity of their roles, to confess to a strong democracy - and to oppose clearly against excesses and a pogrom mood as in Chemnitz. I say this expressly as an entrepreneur and former CEO, not in my capacity as SPD economic politician. I think Siemens boss Joe Kaeser very high that he has been taking a clear position against the nationalism of the AfD for months - but he is the first and so far the only one from the executive level of the German economy. Also to Chemnitz only Kaeser has expressed so far clearly.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Kaeser can afford that too: Siemens has only companies as customers, the group does not even produce washing machines or phones themselves. The more than 15 percent AFD voters can not even boycott Siemens, even if they wanted to. But is not it understandable that - as examples only - Volkswagen CEO Herbert Diess or Günther Fielmann hold back to denounce the political conviction of people who they still want to sell cars or glasses?

Christ: No, I can not understand that at all. I can not depend on my ethics, my morals, my attitude. We have earned a lot of money as a business elite in this country, enjoying privileges. To muster the courage to be responsible is the least we can expect from us. As an entrepreneur, I have to put up with making a few businesses less. And as a top manager next time maybe not to be appointed as a board. Take a look at the counter demonstrations in Chemnitz: very simple people profess color there. Since you can not say as part of the business elite: What is it to me? We must not allow our democracy to continue to be infiltrated and security, openness and stability at risk. This matters to all of us. Incidentally, I'm perfectly sure that such a clear attitude will not hurt business. On the contrary, it also makes economic sense.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: You have to explain that in more detail.

Christian: Millions of people of different backgrounds and backgrounds who work here, contribute to prosperity and co-finance the pension. We are fighting for skilled professionals and students from abroad who will hopefully stay here and work for the prosperity of tomorrow. Two-thirds of the employees of our DAX companies do not have German citizenship - and not only these companies, the Mittelstand also sells more abroad than in Germany. After all, I can not welcome employees from far away countries, do business with other countries and cultures - and at the same time people from these countries are being chased by a far-right mob in the street, backed by a party represented in the Bundestag, the AfD. What happens in Chemnitz, this hate, this malevolence, that is followed all over the world attentively. We do not want such a thing in Germany - and it also damages the location.

more on the subject

Protest concert in ChemnitzThat was more

Hunt-hunting debate "There is nothing to talk about"

Alternative for Germany Who chooses, chooses Nazis

Protests in ChemnitzGlatzen and rage citizens

Attacks on journalists in ChemnitzThose who stay at the desk are impersonal

SPIEGEL ONLINEVideo report from Chemnitz moderately peaceful

Demonstrations in ChemnitzDer scary march

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Is not that rather a problem for Saxony than for all of Germany?

Christ: Abroad, Saxony is equated with all of Germany. But of course it will be difficult for Saxony to compete for international investors in the regions. Which global company is going there today if it can do just as well to Rhineland-Palatinate or NRW?

SPIEGEL ONLINE: The AFD is nationwide with about 15 percent approval - and is currently being selected by workers above average. Is it difficult for managers to face so much of their workforce?

Christ: All corporations and most of the middle class have their own diversity programs, for which they spend many millions of euros. Diversity means protecting minorities, advocating tolerance of sexual orientation and colors, openness to dissenters, and integration of people. Being a manager against human hatred must then be self-evident, everything else would be misleading. As a Dax boss, this also means to make it clear to my employees that any form of racism and right-wing extremist ideas in the company will not be tolerated.


Christ: I know many CEOs and even more family entrepreneurs who enjoy the highest respect and recognition among their workforce. The employees pay close attention: What does the boss think, what does the boss say, how is the boss? That is why it is so important that the well-known figures from industry and business now take to the streets with the politicians and the many people from initiatives and associations and say: We do not want that.