
Life is a friendly economy. Airline mileage. There are a lot of people who worry about how to write this around me because the expiration date is expired in the beginning of next year.


Airlines changed terms 10 years ago. I changed it in 2008 and the standard was going to change so that the mileage was accounted for as corporate debt.

So, I prepared for it in advance, of course, accumulated miles before changing the terms of course does not matter. It was originally scheduled without a validity period.

Mileage accumulated in 2008 after the amendment of the agreement, specifically accumulated mileage between July and December 2008 on Korean Air, and mileage accumulated between October and December 2008 on Asiana will be used from January 1 of next year. You can not.

It 's not just that day that will be ten years old, but it' s available until the last day of the year. So, the mileage accumulated in 2009 is such a structure that disappears at one time in January of next year.

It is difficult to confirm exactly how much mileage is lost on the first day of the following month. The government is looking at a small amount of debt, but it is actually being used.

Individual consumers, of course, can see. If you use the airline homepage or affiliate app, you can see not only piled up by airplane, but also accumulated things by credit card.


But the reason I'm worried is that it is not easy to buy a ticket with this.


That's right. According to the terms, it is possible to buy a ticket with mileage when there is a spare seat available. No one knows how much of this extra seat actually is, except for the airline.

It is hard to make a reservation until the end of the peak season, when it comes to saying that there is no mileage seat at all. The government has decided to allocate more than 5% of the mileage seats unconditionally even in polarity. I would like to have a vacation season or holiday season in early August.

I also want to make sure that the percentage of the total number of seats consumed by mileage during the entire quarter will also be revealed. We made reservations and canceled before 91 days so that there is no disadvantage.

I can cancel my seats now bought in cash by the 91st date, but my mileage seat will be charged at the cancellation fee of 3,000 miles if I cancel.

And now, it is better to use mileage on long distance routes to USA or Europe relatively. In the future, however, I will continue to negotiate to improve the efficiency even when going to Japan or Southeast Asia.

Such mileage seats allocation and ratio disclosure will be implemented in earnest from next year. There is no big influence on those who need to write immediately this month.

However, some domestic flights and airline companies are now promoting the flight. Also, if you plan to travel next year, it would be a good idea to check your mileage seat as early as 361 days before departure.


I can not upgrade my ticket or seat right now, and it's been a few days now. I would have to use something else, but what else should I use it for?


There are a few places that I can use now, but it is not as efficient. The government says it will improve, but I think we should look at it.

In fact, I spent two or three times more expensive than mileage movies, and rented cars a few times more than I would have seen.

The government has seen how foreign airlines are doing, and foreign travel is usually favored for airline tickets, and it is a little disadvantageous to spend on other affiliates.

It is an explanation that mileage is generated and managed by an airline because it is an airline, so there is a lot of room to control its own use.

It is not easy to intervene directly because it is a problem between companies to partner with other companies and use mileage.

So what I can do is to use the affiliate products as mileage, and there is a lot of deductions there, or when I sign new contracts with the outside company, I will negotiate with the government as much as possible so that it is not possible to pay too low mileage.

So I think I should go a little bit to see how much it actually gets better. It is much more likely to disappear on January 1st of the following year than the mileage that will expire on January 1st of next year, so it would be good if you can find out how much mileage you have to spend next year.